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World Views

Life After Covid-19

We are living through a historic moment in time, a plague of Biblical proportions has knocked many great economies in the world to their knees. Our leaders have boasted that we have the most powerful military and economy the world has ever seen! We too have fallen, to a virus that doesn't care who you are. We have trotted out the "Big Guns" of Science and Medicine, only to find out that we can not stop it! Millions have lost jobs and thousands have died, victims to an invisible enemy. We find ourselves walking a tight rope over an abyss that if we fall into, we may never climb out of. What to do? How about this, since we are all ready on our knees, look up! We need to pray to God for our salvation from this virus and repent from the evil ways that have befallen our nation. Let us not return to normal again, which is a country that has mocked God and his Word. We have re-defined marriage and even gender. Abortion still takes lives daily, even during this pandemic. Let the new normal be, a God Fearing Nation and see what happens!

Please listen to Eric Metaxis's interview of Pat Boone. It is what prompted me to write this. Pat Boone expands on the same topic I have written on, in a way that is more compelling. They are requesting to fast and pray on May 7th (the National Day of Prayer) for our Country. May God have mercy on us.