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The Great Divide



There was nothing like the 2020 presidential election to highlight the division in America. Here is why I feel it is irreconcilable. Philosophically incompatable worldviews, one side believes in the reality of absolute truth, the other side embraces relativism. The Judeo-Christian faiths, have been replaced by a naturalistic and secular worldview. Although the left will identify themselves, as people of faith, they have no moral reluctance in supporting abortion, same sex marriage and ignoring the biological fact that our chromosomal makeup determines our gender, opening the door to a seemingly infinite number of  pseudo sexual orientations. These views lead to  the denigration of the value of life, an assault on the nuclear family and destruction aimed at the very moral fabric that once bound us together as "one nation under God."  John Adams one of the framers of our Constitution said, "Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other." Is it any wonder why we see our constitution being shredded right before our eyes? "Rights" are found where they do not exist. The very separation of powers, so fundamental to our Republic, has been breached, by a methodical well planned attack. Congress's sole power to legislate, has been trumped by the Supreme Court. Once it is determined by the left, that they cannot pass legislation to their liking or strongly object to a law in place, they run to the Supreme Court, where activist judges legislate from the bench. This is possible because they were very careful to fill any openings with partisan activist judges. This is nothing new, because they have controlled the Supreme Court this way for over 70 years. The system has been gamed to achieve the most radical legislation that never would have passed muster through Congress. Now that the Court has recently experienced an unprecedented number of openings, three justice's, have been replaced with judges who respect the Constitution and the rule of law. The left has a plan B. Plan B is to increase the number of judges on the court and pack it with partisan hacks. In addition they want to add an additional 2 states to the Union (Puerto Rico and The District of Columbia), thereby consolidating power in the Senate. Once they have all three branches of government, they eliminate the Electoral College and lift immigration restrictions. Now they have a permanent majority of the popular vote and we will elect our President as if he or she were running for Prom King or Queen. One party rule is the goal. This is not conjecture on my part at all, they have said as much publically, and we are seeing it play out right under our noses. Welcome to "The United People's Republic of the Americas." How can one compromise with this when Truth, our Sovereignty and our Republic is being replaced by a godless mob rule? God help us all.





