Worship with Us
Beverly Heights Presbyterian Church gathers every Lord’s Day for worship.
- Schedule
- 9:00 AM–Sunday School for all ages
- 10:00 AM–Worship in the Sanctuary.
- Children
- Our service is intended for the whole family and lasts approximately 90 minutes.
- We believe children should be in the sanctuary for worship. Worship bags for children are available at the transepts.
- If your child requires discipline, redirection or focused training, childcare rooms are open on the B-Level for parents to use.
- Our service is intended for the whole family and lasts approximately 90 minutes.
- The Design of Our Service
- The pattern of our liturgy follows the basic biblical structure of sacrificial worship. This pattern is found in both old and new covenant Scriptures.
- The Lord Gathers Us: (CALL) The people are called to worship. Our worship is a response to God’s summons. He always takes the initiative. We draw near only because He first invites us.
- The Lord Cleanses Our Sin: (CONFESS) Without an initial confession of sin, we are worshipping God with unclean hands and lips. But having been washed, we may enter God’s presence.
- The Lord Sanctifies Our Lives: (CONSECRATE) In worship we enter into God’s heavenly sanctuary. There we sing praise, read scripture and listen to the preaching of the Word, all of which consecrates us to God’s service by His truth.
- The Lord Receives Our Gifts and Hearts: (COLLECTS) After receiving God’s word we respond by giving tithes and offerings. We offer ourselves, our hearts and our prayers.
- The Lord Meets Us at the Table: (COMMUNE) God calls us to receive his word and his covenantal meal. Each week we receive the Lord’s Supper and eat in peace and joy in the new covenant, as God shares His table with us.
- The Lord Scatters Us into the World: (COMMISSION) Finally, we are commissioned. We are sent out with God’s benediction to serve God in the world, carrying His blessing as we go.
- The pattern of our liturgy follows the basic biblical structure of sacrificial worship. This pattern is found in both old and new covenant Scriptures.
- May I Come to the Lord’s Table?
- All true believers who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, including those from other congregations, are a part of the true Church and are invited to partake in the Lord’s Supper. As we come to the table we rejoice as we remember our need to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord, to repent of sin, and to covenant once more to live as followers of Jesus. Those who are ignorant in their knowledge of Christ or who are living ungodly and unrepentant lives should refrain from the table. Baptized children may be admitted to the Lord’s Supper provided their parents have appeared before the Pastor or Session to share their child’s profession of faith, in a manner acceptable to the Session.