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Reflection on Abortion



Was I conceived in love, lust or violence? No matter, I am here. I have been blessed by the creator and have been given the gift of life, made in the image of God. I rejoice in the Creator, for he knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb. He knows all the days of my life, and he loved me first. My inner voice and soul where created the instant I came into being.

I am content and I am growing every day. I move my arms, legs and I found my mouth, my thumb is a perfect fit for it! One morning, perfectly content , I sensed an alien presence. I am frightened. I was being poked and prodded, it hurt. All of a sudden a searing pain, made me scream in agony, but no one could hear me. I saw my leg being torn off, the pain was too much and I lost consciousness and then nothing. I felt my soul leave my body. Hovering above the room I saw my remains being tossed into the trash. I am safe now in Jesus's arms. There are many like me here, and we all ask the same question, WHY?

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart..." Isaiah (40:11)                                        


Posted by Art Flickinger
