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Culture of Death

Proposed legislation from lawmakers in the Netherlands would allow healthy patients over the age of 75 to agree to assisted suicide simply because they no longer wish to live.

New research found that almost 94% of physicians in Flanders, Belgium, support infanticide of babies born with disabilities. In 2012 two medical ethicists argued for legality of this practice in the British Medical Journal. " Both a foetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a person in the sense of subject of a moral right to life," they concluded. The authors advocated for infanticide in all cases, whether or not the baby has a disability.

Assisted suicide in the United States is currently legal in Washington, DC, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, Hawaii and Washington. Abortion has been legal in all 50 states since 1973. Some States allow abortions at any stage of pregnancy up to and including birth, as does New York. We are not far behind the Netherlands and Belgium in terms of the radical views on the value of life in our society.

What is the driving  impetus to kill our elderly and our children? The secularization of our society brought about by the declining influence of Judeo / Christian values is certainly the big part of it. Adoption of a nihilist philosophy by many has led to the conclusions of, no God, no objective truth, no morals and no value to life. So friends, we have a choice, one path leads to despair and death and the other path leads to life and life eternal. There is no middle ground. Where do you stand?


 Note: The two news pieces about the Netherlands and Belgium were from Leah Hickman's weekly newsletter,  Life Lines. Leah is a reporter for World magazine.



Attack on Religious Liberty Continues

Last Friday, the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision, declined to hear an application for injunctive relief, in the case of Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v.  Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada, Et Al. The facts of the case are straight forward. Governor Sisolak issued an edict in the midst of the Covid 19 outbreak to limit the attendance of worshippers in any Church, Mosque or Synagogue to 50 people, despite the size of such buildings and the numbers in the congregation, at the same time Casinos, Gymnasiums , Restaurants and Bars were allowed to operate at 50% capacity. In the case of the Casinos because of their large size, thousands of patrons may gamble at a time, whilst places of worship are extremely limited. In a scathing dissent by Justice Alito, joined by Justice Thomas, he wrote, "That Nevada would discriminate in favor of the powerful gaming industry and its employees may not come as a surprise, but this Court's willingness to allow such discrimination is disappointing. We have a duty to defend the Constitution, and even a public health emergency does not absolve us of that responsibility." Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh wrote separate dissents. Gorsuch wrote, "... there is no world in which the Constitution permits Nevada to favor Caesars Palace over Calvary Chapel." What happened? Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals again. Politics and an election year may have weighed heavily in Roberts decision, but in a straightforward case such as this, it should not have mattered.

In the Federalist papers Hamilton said that the Judiciary branch would be the weakest of the three branches because it had " no influence over either the sword or the purse, ... It may be said to have neither force nor will, but merely judgement." Is this the case of our modern day Supreme Court? I think not! Given the decisions on abortion, redefinition of marriage and religious liberty, the judicial branch has become the most powerful and pernicious branch of government, changing our society one ruling at a time. Judgements do not entail activism from the bench.  What happened to calling balls and strikes?

















2020 A Year of Tumult and Fear

" 2020 A Year of Tumult and Fear," is not exactly a headline I anticipated writing, as the clock struck midnight, ushering in 2020. The first half of the year has passed by like a runaway freight train with no brakes, out of control and headed for a bad ending.  As a white knuckled passenger on this "Crazy Train," I realize that it is not out of control at all, but the chief engineer in charge is God. Once you have that perspective the clickety clack of the train going over the tracks becomes a soothing noise and not one of terror.

We are living through a time of political, social, economic, philosophical and moral upheaval, that happens to coincide with a pandemic of biblical proportions. Any of these problems alone is enough to fill your plate. Where do we turn to for advice? There are so many things going wrong, where do we start to untangle the mess we find ourselves in? This hasn't been one day in the making and will not be one day in righting it. Once a train of giant proportions gathers momentum it is very difficult to stop and certainly can not stop on a dime. 

Think about it, our country just celebrated our 244th birthday this past 4th of July. Compare this to Israel's history, from Moses and the Ten Commandments to Jesus, a time span of 1443 years. Israel went through cycles of time with Judges, Kings and Prophets making the same mistakes over and over again culminating in the first coming of Jesus. Over and over they forsook the God of the universe for false gods, which led to immorality, social, political and economic corruption, sound familiar? They would relearn the same lesson over and over again throughout their history until finally God used the surrounding evil empires to conquer and disperse them, but still sent a Savior, Jesus. The history of our country is in terms of 100's of years, while Israel's is a millenia plus. Do you think we could learn something here? The parallels of our history and Israel's are striking and should not be ignored. We founded a Nation under God, based  on Judeo-Christian principles. We were a God fearing nation of believers. Slowly but surely we have forsaken God and our founding principles. Immorality reigns, marriage, sex, man and woman have all been redefined by a secular culture and courts. Truth itself is under assault and we "do what we feel is right." So, this is the "Crazy Train" we call America in 2020. Do we stand aside and watch our country dissolve before our eyes?

Let us learn from Israel's past and do what they did right, repent and turn back to God, forsake the gods of this world and embrace truth and wisdom that comes from being obedient to God's Word. Learn from their history and ours so that we see what's coming and why. Now is the time to apply the brakes so we don't miss the turn off that brings us safely into the station, or we will find ourselves on the fast track to destruction.




Posted by Art Flickinger

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