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Results filtered by “Art Flickinger”

Vaping: A New Public Health Concern

You may have seen on the national news broadcast's lately, about children and young adults permanently ruining their lungs and even dying from vaping. I posted an article and a video on vaping on May 19th,( look for it under the media column) so if you haven't read it already you might want to consider doing so now! It goes over all the vaping nomenclature and why it is so bad for you. If you think I am tooting my own horn, please don't let me disappoint you: TOOT. You could have read about it here first! TOOT!! (I'm shameless)

Please Note: The lady in the news video should be handling the vaping devices with glove protection, especially if fentanyl or THC is suspected, both can be absorbed through the skin, nicotine can as well. There have been case reports of law enforcement professionals overdosing by handling high concentrations of fentanyl unknowingly and requiring resuscitation with narcan and other support measures.

Posted by Art Flickinger

English Cathedrals Resort to Carnival Slides and Mini-Golf

Read the attached articles from World Digital Magazine by Harvest Prude, Onize Ohikere, and Lynde Lanngdon, who report on the Pro-Life Movement.

 In the news is Planned Parenthood's withdrawal form Title X program. At stake was $60 million in federal funding which would require Planned Parenthood to untangle its abortion business from its other services. More court battles will follow as well as political fighting in the next election.

 One lone, Jewish Doctor, stands up to fight against New Jersey's Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, filing a law suit in court against it. Yosef Glassman refuses to participate in assisted suicide citing his faith and his medical obligation to heal people. A temporary restraining order is in place and the next court date is October 23rd. Question: Why is the Church and people of faith standing on the sidelines? The act was signed into law on August 1st, by New Jersey's Governor, Phil Bryant.

Uttakarshi India: Local authorities deny allegations of sex-selected-abortions. Deaths of baby girls in more than 130 villages are reported. 

Every abortion clinic in the United States will receive a copy of the pro-life movie, "Unplanned." Let's just hope someone watches it.

Attachment: Planned Parenthood puts abortion first - Pro-Life - WORLD.pdf

Posted by Art Flickinger


In the aftermath of the tragedies we have witnessed In El Paso and Dayton we are left with the single question that never seems to have an answer. What motivates a person to randomly start a killing rampage of innocent people? We don't have an answer. We can't look into a person's mind and see what makes them tick. What we can do is observe what they have left behind in terms of social media postings and website visits, interviews with acquaintances, neighbors, family and school officials, and put together a profile that may or may not be accurate. 

We live in a society that glorifies violence whether that is in the movies we watch or through the video games we "entertain" ourselves with, to the 24/7 news-feed we see on the internet and the television in our home's . We have become a culture of death. We abort our babies and sacrifice them to to the idol of "women's reproductive rights," and sell their body parts for profit. Life is cheap, after all we are just random accidents that evolved out of some primordial ooze, there is no meaning to life. This the mind set that many embrace and that is propagated in our culture today, mix that with mind altering drugs (legal or illegal), alcohol and mental illness, we have a toxic brew, that is ready to explode, given the right stimulus. 

We live in a fallen world. Cain was the first murderer and man has been killing his fellow man ever since. When we reject God our creator, God will harden the hearts of those who do so and leave them to their sinful ways, and evil chaos is the result. The only hope we have is in Jesus Christ for, "By his blood we are now put right with God; how much more, then, will we be saved by him from God's anger!" (Romans 5:9 GNT)

So pray for the families and friends of those whose lives were ended in these and other tragedies. Life is not cheap, for it was paid for with a price, the precious blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

That's my take on it. Click on the opinion piece from the WSJ for additional insight's.

Posted by Art Flickinger

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