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Spitting Image

An article in World Magazine discusses a published paper in the journal, Molecular Biology and Evolution, which studied the saliva of humans verses gorillas, chimps and macaque monkeys.


SCIENCE | Saliva study highlights differences between apes and humans
by Rachel Lynn Aldrich 
Posted 11/14/19, 04:36 pm

A recent study in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution identified one small but significant difference between humans and apes: their spit. The results enlarge the widening gap observed between humans’ and nonhuman primates’ physiology.

The scientists studied the saliva of humans alongside two species they believe are closely related—chimpanzees and gorillas—looking for unique features. They also included Rhesus macaque monkeys as an “outgroup,” or unrelated species, for comparison.

While chimpanzees and gorillas have very similar saliva, human spit has a distinct composition, the researchers found. The amounts of different proteins in the human samples differed markedly from the ape samples, and the human saliva contained proteins that didn’t exist at all in gorillas, chimps, or macaques. Human spit was also waterier.

“Certain properties and components of human and nonhuman primate saliva might have evolved in a lineage-specific manner,” the studies’ authors wrote. Though they suggested evolutionary pressures like diet and disease could have caused the differences, they did not rely on evolutionary theory or say their findings supported it in any way. They only examined and described differences. The researchers said the trends they observed “raise the possibility that salivary protein profiles of humans may be more unique than expected solely based on phylogenetic distances of species.” If humans and apes were related as closely as evolutionary theory suggests, their saliva is more different than expected.

While evolutionary biologists hunt for similarities between humans and apes, this study adds to the physiological differences that researchers have identified over the years. The gentle, shapeshifting evolutionary journey from apes to humans often illustrated in museums cannot bridge the vast physical gulf between the species. On the podcast ID the Future, biologist Ann Gauger, a researcher with Discovery Institute, listed the many complicated biological systems that function differently in humans and chimpanzees, which evolutionists believe are our closest animal relatives. Neither the reproductive systems nor teeth nor thyroid and metabolism function nor immune systems nor brain structure and development work the same way in humans and chimps.

Gauger pointed out that chimps differ so much from humans that the National Institutes of Health advised against using them as models in medical research. The list of more obvious anatomical differences was just as long, and that’s to say nothing of the self-evident behavioral differences. “The list goes on and on,” she concluded. “Our capabilities are orders of magnitude beyond anything a chimp can do.”


Posted by Art Flickinger

America's Schools Flunk

The Wall Street Journal in an Editorial Board opinion piece entitled, "America's Schools Flunk," point to the sad state of affairs of public education in America today. Despite more money being dumped into public education, the results from "The 2019 National Assessment of Educational Results," are abysmal. Only 35% of fourth graders, rated proficient in reading. News Flash: If you're not proficient in reading by fourth grade, you probably never will be. The achievement gap keeps widening and our children keep falling behind. This should be a wake up call for America, our children are the future, and right now the future looks bleak.

Link to the article

Here are some, in my opinion, common sense solutions to our educational dilemma.

1. Why are we rated 30th in the world in math and science? Go see what number one is   doing, and do it better. We need to be number one! 

2. Dump all textbooks that are being pushed on us from California and find ones that ignore, political correctness, social justice, and use pronouns incorrectly.

3. Reading is fundamental. Find teachers that can teach it and let them have at it. We don't need some goofball's PhD thesis trying to re-invent the wheel and experimenting on our children. Phonetics works!

4. Memorization is not oppressive. Memorize the times tables and other handy facts.

5. Charter schools foster competition for educational dollars and raise the level of education over all, making it a win-win for all in the community. Insist on them.

6. Teach students to think for themselves by studying the books written by the great thinkers and writers of the past. Shakespeare was not a racist, homophobe, etc.

7. Writing and being able to express one's thoughts in cogent sentences and paragraphs are still essential skills for communication in today's world. This needs to be emphasized  along with correct, spelling, grammar, punctuation and yes, cursive penmanship.

8. If you read this far God Bless You!

Posted by Art Flickinger

Kayne West's Conversion to Christianity

Upon hearing that Kayne West was a Christian, I have to admit I was skeptical, I filed it away it away in my, "Oh, That's Nice, KooK File," right next to the "Beeb's." Not a fan of either's music, I didn't go out of my way to investigate said claims. That is until Bill Mehaffey sent me  a link to a podcast from the Acton Institute regarding Kayne West. Give a listen to it. You may be surprised, as I was. The Lord works in mysterious ways! As for the "Beeb's" (Justin Bieber's) claim, I don't know, but I hope it's true! Lesson learned.

Click here for the Podcast

Posted by Art Flickinger

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