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Just The Truth

I just finished reading the Forum section from Sunday's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette entitled: "Think Like A Libel Lawyer." I found it to be a very interesting and thought provoking article. David McCraw, a libel lawyer and the author of this piece, is employed by The New York Times, as a press lawyer, who pre-empts possible lawsuits against the paper for libel (in essence a fact-checker). One method he uses is reading the article as if he is the subject of it and constructing possible arguments that an opposing lawyer could make against the paper. He is interested in the facts only: “Just the facts M'am,” as Sergeant Joe Friday use to say on "Dragnet." Because of a variety of factors, The New York Times and other papers have re-oriented their journalistic view to embrace a "reader-centered" perspective. What this means is you write for your base. Like statistics, facts can be twisted and omitted to construct a false narrative (called spinning).This makes it much easier for a journalist to spin the truth to fit their readership's ideology. It's like throwing red meat to hungry wolves. They will tear into it and look for more meat or, in this case, more newspapers to consume. Everything will be factual, thanks to Mr. McCraw, our libel lawyer, but the truth is lost. Unlike Sergeant Joe, our retort should be, "Just the truth, man!" Maybe they would sell more papers.

Click Here for the Article

Posted by Art Flickinger

A Bible Aimed At Millennials

I had to read this article twice just to make sure it was serious. A 20-year-old college student who had just become a Christian had decided to plunge into scripture, ok, so far, so good. Here's what made me cross my eyes and exclaim out loud, WHAAT? The following, is the student's description of what he saw when he opened his Bible and why he didn't want to read it. "The text was small and serious-looking, each line corralled inside a densely packed, numbered columns devoid of imagery- like citations at the end of a biology textbook. Inside, the pages were toilet paper thin. Outside, the cover was solid black and intimidating." I forgot to mention the college he was attending, none there than, The University of Southern California. I thought you had to be pretty smart to gain admission there. The rest of the article describes how he designed a Bible for millennials and has made a profitable business out of it. I wonder if he would be ok with THE LARGE PRINT BIBLE edition with lots of pictures in it and a cover in some pastel colors, maybe.

Click Here for the Article

Posted by Art Flickinger

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