No Forgiveness: The Consequence of Embracing a Secular Society
Ben Shapiro's article, written for The National Review, appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette's opinion pages. He writes, "A world with no mercy or grace is an ugly world indeed."
Informing thoughtful engagement with our culture and media.
"/>Ben Shapiro's article, written for The National Review, appeared in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette's opinion pages. He writes, "A world with no mercy or grace is an ugly world indeed."
The United Church of Canada is Canada's largest Protestant Denomination. The Rev. Gretta Vosper, an avowed atheist, still holds her position at the West Hills United Church in Toronto. NYT Catherine Porter reports in a February 1, 2019 article.
Click Here for the Article Religion News Service's, John Longhurst, also reports.
Scientists are puzzled by the beauty in nature. Evolutionary Theory can’t explain, but every Christian can tell you why beauty exists. Read the article in the NYT 1/9/2019 by Ferris Jabr.