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Read About Pittsburgh's Christian Heritage

"The History of Christianity in Pittsburgh" by Gary Scott Smith. For those of us who think Pittsburgh is a special place to live and to raise a family, this book will confirm a lot of your suspicions as to why. As a man of faith and an academic, the author - formerly chairman of the history department at Grove City College - chronicles the rich history of this city and tells the story of Christianity in Western Pennsylvania. In addition to the historic cathedrals and the recently established mega churches, he highlights the sports teams, the para-church organizations and individuals who made a difference in the growth and maintenance of the Word as this city grew, prospered, declined and grew again. For those who are life-long residents of Pittsburgh, this book affirms the right of Pittsburgh residents to say this city is different. At the same time it provides encouragement to newcomers that this is indeed a special place. It is a "City on a Hill."

Submitted by Bill Mehaffey

Posted by Art Flickinger
