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World Views

Globalism Takes One on the Chin as Brexit Triumphs

Friday, January 31st at 23:00 GMT, "Elvis" has just left the building. The "Elvis" I am referring to is Great Britain and the building, is the European Union. Why was this a concern of British Christians? The general sense of religious morality that undergirded the EU, referred to a vague sense of European heritage that had a high regard for human dignity and responsibility. This characterization is both vague and inadequate for any moral vision that was intended to fight for the "soul" of Europe. It soon transitioned into an exclusive focus on economics as the lone criterion for shared values. The EU was born out of the ashes of post WWII Europe intending to be a means of becoming a morally rooted guarantor of peace among the major Western European powers. How has that worked out so far? It has not prevented war in Europe, one needs only to mention, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Ukraine. The EU has become a centralized political institution that pools sovereignty , dilutes accountability and threatens people's freedoms through the destruction of borders, culture and liberty. The true source of unity of any people that results in cultural cohesion is sharing a common vision of reality. In short a common faith.

Posted by Art Flickinger
in Media

A Super Bowl Halftime Alternative

I came across an article and video by John Piper on a Super Bowl halftime alternative from 2017. Curious, I clicked on it, read the article and watched the video. This year's halftime show is the jiggling, gyrating, J-Lo. Fortunately I have to miss the half time "extravaganza" as I will be working. Unfortunately, you could be exposed to this. "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!" If you are inclined to do so, click on the link or go make a sandwich, run around the block for 30 minutes, make a pizza run, etc. Just be back for the kick off! If you choose not to make John Piper your halftime alternative ,listen another time, it's very good.

John Piper: "Where to Stand When All Is Shaking."  No Pun Intended!

Posted by Art Flickinger

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