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in Media

50th Anniversary of Man Landing on the Moon

Just 65 years after the Wright brothers made their historic 12 second, 120 foot long flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C., the Apollo 8 spacecraft, under the command of Frank Borman orbited the moon, a 3 day 250,000 mile journey. Live from space on Christmas Eve as pictures of the moon were televised back to earth the crew members took turns reading the creation story from Genesis I. One year later Neil Armstrong's voice crackled over the radio, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Soon afterwards, Neil Armstrong declared as he set foot on the lunar landscape, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." I still get goose bumps as I vividly recall witnessing these events live on the television in the comfort of my living room. I remember watching in awe as pictures of the moon and the Earth rise above the lunar landscape, portrayed the stark contrast of the deep blackness and empty void of space with the blue colored orb suspended in the vastness. "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars which thou has ordained; what is man that thou dost take thought of him?" "The heavens declare the glory of God." My mind needs to go to the psalmist, who never dreamed of space travel, for an adequate response to express what we have witnessed.

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Posted by Art Flickinger
in Media

What's On Your Book Shelf?

My friend Bill Mehaffey sent me this interesting article by Mihail Neamtu, entitled, "Dostoevsky and the Triumph of Poetry over Ideology." Dostoevsky's literary work's give us insight into understanding the origins of modern atheism, Western nihilism and the logic of the secular age," contends Neamtu. Neamtu discusses," The Brothers Karamazov" as a prime example of Dostoevsky's understanding of the human condition and it's relationship to the theological and philosophical issues of his day. My big take away from reading this article was a reminder of how timeless the books are that we consider to be Classics. They wrestle with the big issues of life that never become outdated and deserve to be read over and over again. 

Posted by Art Flickinger

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