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Constitution Day: September 17th, 2018

Today we celebrate Constitution Day! If you are like me you never gave it more than a passing thought. I can safely say, a constitutional scholar, I'm not, however, I do like to read Supreme Court decisions. The rulings I follow closely are ones that concern freedom of speech, religion and "abortion rights" (which I still have trouble finding as  a constitutional right).

The Declaration of Independence cites, "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." God is mentioned not only as a creator but, as law-giver, protector and judge. The implication being, that only God can rightfully exercise all three functions of government. Man can not do so, because he is a fallen creature. The Constitution was written with this in mind and is why our founders thought it necessary to have three distinct but equal branches of government, as a check and balance on one another. All our rights are inalienable rights that come from our Creator. This is one of the main frameworks that our constitution is based on and, why it has lasted so long. So, if anyone tells you our country was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles, most likely they have never read any of our founding documents.

Here is a link to an opinion piece that appeared in the 9/16 edition of the WSJ. I was unable to download a PDF copy for you to read, so if you have any free "looks" left you will be able to see it; If not it's worth tracking down a print copy of. It was what prompted me to take some time out and reflect on our constitution.

 What Ever Happened to ‘We the People’?

Posted by Art Flickinger

Vaping: A New Public Health Concern

You may have seen on the national news broadcast's lately, about children and young adults permanently ruining their lungs and even dying from vaping. I posted an article and a video on vaping on May 19th,( look for it under the media column) so if you haven't read it already you might want to consider doing so now! It goes over all the vaping nomenclature and why it is so bad for you. If you think I am tooting my own horn, please don't let me disappoint you: TOOT. You could have read about it here first! TOOT!! (I'm shameless)

Please Note: The lady in the news video should be handling the vaping devices with glove protection, especially if fentanyl or THC is suspected, both can be absorbed through the skin, nicotine can as well. There have been case reports of law enforcement professionals overdosing by handling high concentrations of fentanyl unknowingly and requiring resuscitation with narcan and other support measures.

Posted by Art Flickinger

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