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World Views

The Rule of Law Under Attack

 Romans 13:1-7 makes it clear that as Christians we are to obey the government God places over us. What if that government is corrupt or evil? The apostle Paul still recognized the Roman rule over him despite Nero's evil regime. Should we do anything less? Is there a time when we should intentionally disobey the laws of the land? We find the answer to this question in Acts 5:27-29. Forbidden by the Sanhedrin to teach in Jesus's name, Peter and the apostles willfully disobeyed. "We must obey God rather than men!," was the response they gave before the authorities. However, even in that instance Peter and John submitted to the punishment of being flogged without protest. In fact they rejoiced that they suffered for obeying God. (Acts 5:40-42)

We live in tumultuous times. As a student of history I cannot think of a more perilous time, other than the Civil War, where we have been teetering on the brink of losing our Republic. Despite what you may think about Donald Trump, his political opponents have weaponized every agency of the federal government including the court system and the "free press," against him. Take off your, "I hate Trump" blinders for a minute and look at the big picture, the resultant chaos and distrust of the  government has resulted in lawlessness. Our country has been dragged through the "Russian Collusion" hoax, three groundless impeachments, a kangaroo court of a Senate confirmation hearing  for Brett Cavanaugh, the 2020 countrywide George Floyd riots which spawned the defund the police movement and BLM. We are now reaping what we have sown. No bail laws in big cities encourage flash mob robberies, unprecedented shoplifting and  inner-city violence, police are nowhere to be found. Business owners large and small are moving out of inner cities or closing their stores. Those that remain are forced to place shelves and displays behind plexiglass barriers padlocked and chained to prevent theft. All of these seemingly disparate situations are linked to one another through the total disregard of the constitution and the rule of law. It started in the highest offices and agencies of our government and has finally trickled down to the grassroots level where it has begun to affect the average citizen. 

Here's how this happens. When the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case reached the Supreme Court, most legal scholars predicted that Roe v Wade would likely be overturned. Someone with access to Justice Alito's drafts and communications leaked the draft of his opinion to the press in its entirety, just in time to affect an outcome of midterm elections and to cause a public outcry in order to intimidate the court. Abortion politicians used this opportunity whip the public into a frenzy over women's right to bodily autonomy, knowing full well that abortion was not made illegal or stopped, it was left up to each individual state to decide or regulate instead of the federal government. Activists illegally protested outside of the homes of conservative justices, stalking them to restaurants and basically terrorizing them. It is a federal offense and a felony to strong arm Judges while they are deciding a case. We heard crickets from the DOJ, they did nothing to arrest or curtail this until an assassin was discovered outside of Justice Cavanaugh's home. After the decision was finally announced, widespread vandalism of churches and pregnancy resource centers occurred, again, no arrests. Yet, a swat team arrived in the early hours of a Friday morning to the house of a Philadelphia father of seven. Mark Hauk was arrested in front of his family by 25-30 screaming, jack booted FBI agents, brandishing weapons pointed at the family, threatening all with deadly force and terrorizing Hauks wife and children. His crime? He shoved an abortion escort out of the way while he was accosting his twelve year old son, who was peacefully protesting across the street of an abortion clinic.

Justice is being meted out according to ideological beliefs that are compatible with the power structure running our government. "The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish! "  (The Law, Frederic Bastiat 1850)  Bastiat's 173 year old essay seems almost prophetic to today's time in America. If we continue on this path we will lose our Republic to lawlessness. Proverbs 22:8 says, " Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail." 



Posted by Art Flickinger

Memorial Day- Remembering Pearl Harbor and Those Who Perished.


U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor 

Another day in paradise, fair skies and ambient temperatures promised just that, to those awakening that peaceful Sunday morning on the Pacific island of Oahu. Little did they know that 300 miles off of their northern coast, hovered the most powerful carrier task force ever assembled, six of Japan's first-line aircraft carriers with over 420 war planes, fast battleships, cruisers, destroyers and fuel tankers lurked.  An advance placement of submarines were lying in wait to sink any American ships that might escape from Pearl Harbor. The first wave of over 180 aircraft was launched before first light and flew south towards their targets. A second wave of similar numbers of aircraft brought up from the hangars beneath the flight decks followed, launching into the mornings early light.

At 07:55 (local time), December 7, 1941, the first bombs were dropped  from attacking Japanese aircraft on the American fleet docked at Pearl Harbor. Just 75 minutes later the entire U.S. Pacific fleet and aircraft were damaged or destroyed, 2,403 soldiers, sailors and civilians were killed and 1,178 wounded. The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor catapulted the United States into WWII and as Roosevelt declared, "a date which will live in infamy."

Howard Kenton Potts was born on April 15, 1921 on a small farm in Honey Bend, Illinois. The farmhouse was without running water or electricity. He attended a one-room schoolhouse through the eighth grade. He didn't enroll in high school because it would have required him to walk 14 miles round-trip every day. On October 4, 1939 just seven months after his 20th. birthday, Ken, as he was called by his friends, enlisted in the Navy. That December, he sailed from San Pedro, California, as fate would have it, aboard the U.S.S. Arizona, the only ship on which he would ever serve.

Ken, a boatswain's mate and crane operator had been on leave in Honolulu for two days. He was on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor, when he was awakened by blaring sirens and loudspeakers ordering all Navy personnel back to their ships. "This is not a drill, this is the real thing," he recalled thinking to himself, as he told his story to an interviewer from the American Veterans Center in 2020. "The oil had leaked out and caught on fire and was burning. Going back to the ship, we had to drag sailors out of the oily water. We couldn't think much about it. You don't think much of anything, I guess. You're in shock. All you worried about was staying alive." Attempting to navigate through the flaming harbor, Potts and other crewmen pulled men from the water and took them ashore on Ford Island," said a spokesman from the Park Service. 

Struck by Japanese bombers, the Arizona toppled over in nine minutes and burned for two days before sinking. After fishing dozens of survivors from the harbor, Mr. Potts later dived into the ship to search for more, but found only bodies. The Arizona's death toll accounted for nearly half of the military personnel killed that day. Only 93 of those aboard the ship at at the time survived.

The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial draws some 1.7 million visitors every year. For decades the submerged Arizona continued to shed "black tears" in the form of a quart of oil which leaked from somewhere inside the hull every day. It is estimated that 900 crew members lie at the bottom of Pearl Harbor entombed aboard the Arizona.

As for Mr. Potts, he just recently passed away on April 21st of this year, at his home in Provo, Utah, just 6 days after his 102nd birthday. His shipmate Lou Conter 101 years old, is believed to be the only living survivor among the Arizona crewmen who escaped the inferno that fateful Sunday morning. 

It is essential that we recognize the debt we owe to so many who fought and died in so many wars on behalf of this nation, defending our liberty and freedom. We are losing a generation who fought so nobly in the Second World War and soon there will be none. 

Time, like an ever-rolling stream,

Bears all its sons away;

They fly forgotten, as a dream

Dies at the opening day.

Like flowery fields the nations stand,

Pleased with the morning light;

The flowers beneath the mower's hand

Lie withering e'er 'tis night.

by Isaac Watts

Rest in peace all you who paid the ultimate sacrifice that dreadful day. I'm sure they are proud of Mr, Potts who survived to live a long and productive life. We mourn and we will never forget your sacrifice and we toast, in your names, the life of Boatswain's Mate, First Class, Howard Kenton Potts, U.S.N., shipmate, friend, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.


Posted by Art Flickinger

Thoughts On Abortion Post Roe


Thursday I attended day 1 of a 2 day Faith and Freedom Seminar, with Tom O'Boyle, on Post Roe America. Held at Grove City College, the day was jammed packed with speakers from 9:30 am until 8:00 that evening. There were speakers at lunch and dinner as well, so no time was wasted and the presentations started and ended on time. The day seemed to fly by as, all the speakers were excellent and very informative. The weather could not have been nicer, in fact I was able to make some vitamin- D, as my bald head soaked up the sun like a solar panel. (Who says I can't multitask?)

Here are some of takeaways from the Seminar:

1. Get involved. The worst thing you can do is nothing, when confronted with such a great evil. It is our Christian duty to do something. Not everyone is cut out to protest in front of Abortion Clinics. Violent confrontations are becoming more and more the norm and you may find an FBI swat team banging on your door at 5:00am. Did you know 7 out of 10 women who have had abortions identify themselves as having a Christian faith? Chances are some are sitting next to you in Church who are either contemplating an abortion or have already have had one. You don't need to step outside the church to find a mission field. Have you ever considered donating to or volunteering at your local Crisis Pregnancy center? 

2. We are engaged in spiritual warfare against demonic powers whose goal is to destroy the image of God through abortion.

3. This year in Pennsylvania we will be electing a Judge to sit on the State Supreme Court. Tactics similar to those used in Wisconsin to elect an abortion friendly judge are being used in our state. The Democrat party pours money into the campaign of the weakest candidate that they have a better chance of beating. This year Republicans have 2 judges running in the primary for the nomination. One of the judges is considered beatable because her husband was convicted of stealing money from an elderly client. Guess which judges campaign is being deluged with money? Do your homework before voting. All abortion litigation will now be adjudicated in the state court system. 

4. The presentation by Clarke Forsythe, JD was entitled, How Roe Happened. It was a look behind the scenes of how this decision was made. I have always heard from legal pundits throughout the years how poorly decided this case was. The details provided by Forsythe were written about in his book entitled, The Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade. It is shocking to hear how the law was manipulated and pushed through the court on ideological grounds making things up as they went along. Did you know one Justice destroyed his personal notes and papers after Roe was decided? Also Justice Berger sealed his notes until 2026. If you want to know just how poorly decided this case was Forsythe's book is a must read. This is a reminder to all that elections have consequences. In this case the consequences were the deaths of over 60 million babies during the 50 years that Roe was federal law. 

Posted by Art Flickinger

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