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World Views

A Look Back On A Half Century of Roe


This past Sunday marked the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Roe v. Wade case which unleashed a holocaust slaughter of the unborn across our country. When Cain killed his brother Abel, Abel's spilt blood cried out to the Lord in heaven and he heard him. What would the blood of 70 million innocent aborted children sound like? This is the 50 year legacy of the Roe v. Wade decision.

A  Harvard Law Professor, Laurence Tribe, wrote that the abortion debate was a clash of absolutes, liberty on one side and life on the other. Although he correctly framed the argument he came down on the side of absolute liberty. By claiming absolute liberty you have the right to destroy another humans right to live. This is moral insanity for any society to believe this, yet we have lived under Roe which has done exactly that.

 Roe was passed overwhelmingly by a 7-2 decision. Justice Byron White wrote the dissenting opinion which turned out to be the very reasoning that overturned the decision 50 years later. The decision was a legal and a moral disaster for our country resulting in over 64 million souls lost to abortions. Can you imagine what it would be like if you went to the states of California, Florida and Idaho and  found them empty of people?  Those three states populations add up to approximately 64 million people, the same number murdered by abortions.

What mind set justifies this perdition? The worldview that sees life as a cosmic accident, random chaos plus billion of years of time and somehow life crawls out of a primordial soup. We are no more than a perambulating sack of chemical reactions. There is no soul or belief in the metaphysical. Everything can or will be explained by science. We live in a mechanistic world where life has no meaning or purpose. Science is our savior and is the god we turn to with all our problems for answers. This is Enlightenment thinking that has slowly poisoned the Christian worldview that once was predominant in the west. This is why in a philosophical sense abortion is practiced today. The Bible calls it "whoring after Molech." Molech was a god worshipped by the Canaanites that required child sacrifices to it. In Leviticus, God expected anyone guilty of this practice to be put to death and anyone who refused to stop this practice was guilty as well. 

Now we are back to square one, as if Roe never happened. Each state must decide for itself the abortion issue. Some will outlaw it all together and some will embrace it and remove any regulation or impediment from obtaining one. Before Roe became law New York State had already legalized it. They went so far as placing billboard ads in surrounding states to drum up business. Come to New York and for $250.00 we take care of things for you. Two years after legalizing abortion in the state over 400,000 abortions were performed, 2/3 of this total came from out of state "customers." Do the math 400,000 abortions at $250.00 each, they grossed 100 million dollars, the abortion industry had begun and it was lucrative. Today it is even more so, abortion factories like Planned Parenthood not only perform abortions but sell body parts for scientific research. It is big business.

Everything in our power must be done  to stand against this evil. We have a chance for a redo in every state, the stakes are high and  it is life or death, there is no middle ground to be found, you must choose a side. Which side are you on?

Posted by Art Flickinger

A Christmas Story

'Twas the night of Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature was stirring, just the clicking of a mouse. My wife was up past midnight performing her Black Friday ritual, while visions of bargains and dollar signs flashed 'cross the digital. Her fingers a blaze on the keyboard did race, casting a maniacal glow, a wreath round her face. She looked straight ahead as if possessed by flickering light, a digital dance that would last through the night. The scene before me, an existential fright, so I dashed to the back door and into the night. My steamy breath illuminated  by the pale moon's glow, trying to process what I saw, I just didn't know. I must have dropped off to sleep as I awoke with a jerk, I was cold, hungry and everything hurt. Allowing my head to clear, finally aware, I looked about trembling with cold or was it fear?  I was on a dark mountain when I looked to the right, a hooded stranger appeared, pointing to a bright light. My eyes gazed upward, I saw a star, bright like none other, that shone from afar. Looking to the horizon I did behold, a choir of angels proclaiming a word, "For this day, is born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Whaaat, I thought as I could not speak, a warmth filled my heart as if from a burning fire, right down to my feet. Have I gone back in time 2000 years or am I just real tired? As if on cue in my brain did display, every Christmas before me, unpacked from Santa's sleigh. I should have been been happy but I grew very sad. I saw presents galore unwrapped in a frenzy and it didn't seem fun, when I just opened, a Red Ryder gun. My heart was in anguish as something was missing and I knew not what, my mind frantically fishing.  A buzzing noise soon filled my head and when I opened my eyes I was in my own bed! The alarm clock still buzzing, up I arose, slapped off the clock while stubbing my toes. Hopping on one foot, I fell, hit my head, and with a loud thwack the bright morning, went dead. A vision from the night swirled in my head as the hooded stranger pointed  and said, "Go back to the manger, there you will find the joy you have fled. "When I awoke, despite the knot on my head, I dropped to my knees and I prayerfully said. "Forgive us Lord for we have forgotten the Son you have sent us, that you have begotten. We replaced him, and we all followed, a shopping holiday that leaves us all hollow." 

May the light of the star that shone 2000 years ago on that first Christmas morn, rest and abide in your hearts, for that was the Light of the world, the true Light that pierces the darkness and brings hope, joy, peace, and life to all who believe. May the Good Lord bless you and your families this Christmastide and beyond! -Art



Posted by Art Flickinger


Fall comes slowly

                                              inching its way from summer's grasp

                                                            leaves fall

                                                                                        I guess it's aptly named 

                                               the dog days of summer slowly give way to a refreshing coolness  framed  by splashes of colored beauty

                                                                                                  a mosaic that is a delight to the eyes 

                                                                  cerulean blue skies contrast just right, providing the sun

                               a chance to direct its light through leaves that glow 

                                                                                      nature's cathedral stained glass windows

                                                                 a surreal mystical feeling  I surrender to,

                                        washing over me 'neath a canopy tunnel of trees

                                                                             stiff wind gusts carry leaves                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             swirling snowflakes

                                                  meeting obstacles they mount back up into the sky

                                                                                                                            a harbinger of the winter to come

                                                        I think it's called fall, because I fall deeper in love each year with the Creator of all. 





Posted by Art Flickinger

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